News highlights from our portfolio companies

  • Bestyrelsen i Charlotte og Preben Damgaards almennyttige fond

    Damgaard Company etablerer almennyttig fond

    Marts 7, 2025

    Damgaard Company A/S har netop etableret en almennyttig fond, med særlig fokus på de sociale og samfundsmæssige forhold for børn og unge samt deres familier,

    Med etableringen af den almennyttige fond, Charlotte & Preben Damgaards Fond, har Damgaard Company A/S forpligtet sig til over en længere årrække at foretage løbende indskud i. Fondens har konstitueret en bestyrelse, der vil bestå af:

    o   Charlotte Damgaard, bestyrelsesformand i Damgaard Company A/S, bestyrelsesformand. (tv)

    o   Nana Bule, rådgiver, prof. best. medlem og bl.a. tidl. CEO for Microsoft Danmark. (midt)

    o   Sisse Fjelsted Rasmussen, investor, prof. best.medlem og bl.a. tidligere CFO i Stark Group.(th)

    Fonden vil yde økonomisk støtte til organisationer og foreninger, som bl.a arbejder for at forbedre forholdene for kvinder, børn og unge samt familier i henhold til fondens formål.

    Første donation til Maternity Foundation

    Charlotte & Preben Damgaards fond har i sin første donation valgt at tildele et større bidrag til Maternity Foundation, der arbejder for at skabe mere sikre fødsler for kvinder og nyfødte børn over hele verden.

    Jeg er meget glad for at jeg har fået mulighed for at støtte og være en del af Maternity Foundations partner program. Som kvinde og mor føles det som en menneskeret at have adgang til sikre fødsler og det som Maternity foundation bidrager med i form af relativ simple men virkningsfulde tiltag samt teknologi gør en kæmpe forskel. Et sådant projekt føles som det helt rigtige at støtte og jeg glæder mig til at komme tættere på MF projekter i udviklingslande 

    Charlotte & Preben Damgaards Fond ønsker gennem sine donationer at bidrage til at forbedre trivsel og levevilkår for nogle af de mennesker, som trænger til hjælp og hvor vi kan gøre en forskel.  

  • Orderyoyo er blevet solgt til den kapitalfond Pollen Street Capitalst Item

    Marts 5, 2025

    Orderyoyo, som har udviklet et online bestillingssystem til restauranter, der tilbyder takeaway, bliver solgt for 860 mio. kr. til den britiske kapitalfond Pollen Street Capital (PSC).

    Jesper Johansen, CEO Orderyoyo: 

    "De seneste år har vores team på mere end 300 dedikerede Restaurant Liberators udviklet OrderYOYO til en klar markedsleder, hvor vi har frigjort mere end 12.500 restauranter og genereret over 16 millioner ordrer om året på vores platform. Denne markedsledende position er blevet opnået samtidig med et stærkt fokus på rentabilitet, hvor EBITDA-marginen er steget fra 0,5 % i 2021 til 17,6 % i 2024. Jeg kan ikke takke vores team nok for deres enorme indsats og konstante fokus på at levere på vores vision og strategi. Nu er vi klar til en ny vækstrejse, og PSC er den perfekte partner til at tage OrderYOYO til næste niveau ved at tilføre kapital til investeringer, strategisk knowhow samt kommerciel og finansiel ekspertise til at understøtte og accelerere fremtidig vækst."

    Charlotte Damgaard, Chair Damgaard Company:

    ”Med denne transaktion har vi fuldendt det, som Preben Damgaard startede i 2016, da han investerede i virksomheden med ambitionen om at gøre det, han var bedst til – nemlig at hjælpe virksomheden med at skalere fra en start-up til en moden, børsnoteret virksomhed. Preben tog OrderYOYO på børsen i juli 2021, da virksomheden blev introduceret på Nasdaq First North. En stor tak til Pollen Street Capital Ltd. og teamet hos OrderYOYO for at gøre denne succesfulde transaktion mulig.”

    Læs mere:


    ITWatch: Orderyoyo-topchef: Aktionær-ønske var bag salg til kapitalfond

  • Johan Salenstedt, CEO Configit

    Digital transformation op i gear: Configit venter sorte tal på driften i 2024

    Juni 28, 2024

    Med 2023-regnskabet markerer selskabet, at cloudtransformationen er overstået, og der er voksende interesse for avanceret produktkonfiguration hos store industriselskaber.

    Egentlig følger de planen. Den plan for en transformation af Configits configuration lifecycle management-software til cloudbaseret service, som blev planlagt inden Corona-pandemien brød ud i 2020.

    Læs hele artiklen på ITWatch: Digital transformation op i gear: Configit venter sorte tal på driften i 2024

  • Fellowmind er årets Microsoft partner igen i 2024

    Fellowmind er årets Microsoft partner igen i 2024

    Maj 23, 2024

    Fellowmind løb igen i år med hovedprisen som årets bedste danske Microsoft partner og tog tilmed priserne som årets partner i kategorierne Cloud Infrastructure og Modern Work ved Microsoft Partner Awards 2024.

    Torsdag den 23. maj havde Microsoft indbudt alle de partnere, som var blevet nomineret til at modtage og blive hædret med priser, til Microsofts årlige prisuddelingsfest Microsoft Partner Awards 2024 i hovedkvarteret i Lyngby.

    Fellowmind var blevet nomineret til at modtage priser i hele seks forskellige kategorier, så Max Sejbæk og Mikkel Aude var naturligvis mødt op til prisshowet med kæmpe forventninger. Men at de ligefrem skulle løbe med selve hovedprisen som årets bedste partner endnu en gang overgik trods alt alle forventninger.

    Læs mere: Fellowmind er årets Microsoft partner igen i 2024

  • Jesper Johansen CEO OrdreYoyo

    De opjusterede fem gange i 2023, og nu har software-firma gjort det igen: "Vi er en lille smule brændt barn"

    April 23, 2024

    Softwarevirksomheden Orderyoyo har stor appetit på såvel markedsandele som konkurrenter.

    "Den strategi, vi har lagt, virker, og vi vinder markedsandele," konstaterer Jesper Johansen.

    Læs hele artiklen på ITWatch: De opjusterede fem gange i 2023, og nu har software-firma gjort det igen: "Vi er en lille smule brændt barn"

  • Templafy flytter hovedselskab til USA

    Templafy rykker sit hovedselskab ind i denne bygning i USA: Vigtigt træk i målet om at bygge international virksomhed

    December 5, 2023

    Danske Templafy rykker sit hovedselskab til USA, som fremover bliver hjemsted for selskabet. Årsag: Nemmere adgang til kapital, kunder og dygtige folk.

    Læs hele artiklen på ComputerWorld: Templafy rykker sit hovedselskab ind i denne bygning i USA: Vigtigt træk i målet om at bygge international virksomhed

  • Preben Damgaard er gået bort

    December 4, 2022

    Preben Damgaard er efter kort tids sygdom gået bort i en alder af blot 59 år. Med hans død har vi ikke alene mistet en højt respekteret, arbejdsom og dygtig iværksætter, men også en god og betænksom ven samt kær kollega.

    Preben var i sit DNA og livslange virke indbegrebet af iværksætteri længe før begrebet blev en fast bestanddel af det danske sprog. Hans store indsats og betydning for dansk IT-iværksætteri kan derfor heller ikke overvurderes. Gennem hele sit liv brændte han for at skabe, udvikle og udbrede nye teknologiske løsninger i Danmark og internationalt. Løsninger som gjorde arbejdsdagen nemmere og mere effektiv i virksomheder, eller som bidrog til at skabe en bedre og mere bæredygtig fremtid for mennesker i deres dagligdag.

    Read all

  • Paperflow acquired by Boyum IT Solutions

    August 1, 2022

    Today Paperflow has been acquired by Boyum IT Solutions! Paperflow is Danish-born technology that delivers a cutting-edge AI-based platform which excels in perfectly automated document scanning. Paperflow’s solution makes life easier for software partners in workflow/ERP systems by creating data-driven knowledge through the digitization of the entire document management system.

    Damgaard Company was co-founder and seed investor in Paperflow, and together with co-investors Lars Seier Christensen, Bent Bang-Jensen, Joachim Spangsberg and co-founder Werner Valeur, we have supported the company’s growth journey towards developing a fully commercial solution that digitizes data from physical documents and turns the information into usable computerized data.

    With the strong international position of Boyum IT Solutions, Paperflow will be introduced to new markets and opportunities.

  • Too Good To Go is one of the 'Best for the World' B Corps

    July 13, 2022

    Each year, B Lab recognises the 'Best for the World' B Corps, based on those with a top 5% score in any one pillar. For the 2nd year running, Too Good To Go has achieved a Best For The World accreditation in the category Governance.

    B Lab is the incredible non-profit organisation that keeps the entire B Corp movement going, driven by a simple, unshakeable belief that business can and should be used for good.

  • Photo: Jeppe Bøje Nielsen in Børsen

    OrderYOYO merges with German app smart - creating the largest restaurant liberator in Europe

    June 17, 2022

    Today, OrderYOYO announced that the company is joining forces with app smart, a market leader for shop systems and market leading in POS systems and digital infrastructure for delivery restaurants in Germany and Austria. With the transaction, OrderYOYO is creating the largest restaurant liberator in Europe. Read press release or Børsen news article.

  • Configit powers into 2022 following year of global expansion

    June 7, 2022

    Configit, the global leader in Configuration Lifecycle Management, saw 42% increase in annual recurring revenue in 2021. The company acquired more than a dozen large enterprise deals, expanded into new markets and sustained its home market in Europe. Read press release or Danish news coverage.

  • Too Good Too Go on TIME 100 Most Influential Companies List 2022

    March 30, 2022

    Today, Too Good To Go got its name on the TIME 100 Most Influential Companies List. This recognizes the company’s work and impact at scale in providing solutions to the global food waste challenge. Read more

  • OrderYOYO issues new shares and enters into new loan facility

    March 22, 2022

    OrderYOYO issues new shares in a private placement and enters into a new loan facility with Vækstfonden thereby strengthening the company's capital reserve and making it fit to integrate future acquisitions that will support the mission of liberating independent takeaway restaurants in Europe. Read press release

  • Dixa acquires Solvemate and Miuros

    March 10, 2022

    Today, Dixa announced a $43M double acquisition of Solvemate and Miuros, two superpowers within conversational AI and native analytics. Together, the three companies will take human-centric customer service to new heights. Read press release or Tech EU news

  • OrderYOYO is a "Fast Growing and Highly Scalable SaaS Company" says independent equity research group

    February 14, 2022

    Analyst Group, an independent equity research firm based in Stockholm, just published a report concluding that OrderYOYO is a “Fast Growing and Highly Scalable SaaS Company”. Read more

  • Fellowmind awarded Microsoft Partner 2022

    February 4, 2022

    Once again, Fellowmind Denmark (formerly ProActive) was awarded Microsoft Partner of the Year. This time around, Fellowmind took home the award in the category Modern Workplace - a prize that ProActive won four times before. Read more

  • Too Good To Go amongst Damgaard's most promising investments

    January 19, 2022

    He came in as an early investor, and now all signs point to Too Good To Go being one of Preben Damgaard’s best investments.
    Read full interview with IT Watch (in Danish).

  • Too Good To Go among top ten most downloaded apps in 2021

    January 7, 2022

    With more than 21 million downloads, Too Good To Go was the number ten most downloaded app within food and beverages globally in 2021. Read more

  • Microsoft giant ProActive drops name after 24 years

    November 16, 2021

    After 24 years, the large Dynamics house ProActive drops its name, which now disappears completely from the Danish IT map. The company is now merging with Daxiomatic from Odense under a new name with Max Sejbæk in the lead. Read more

  • Dutch Fellowmind takes another bite of the Danish tech industry

    November 15, 2021

    Danish Cescom is the third Danish company in two years to be acquired by the Dutch Microsoft Business Application company Fellowmind. Read more

  • Too Good To Go has now saved 100 MILLION MEALS!

    November 11, 2021

    Almost six years ago, Too Good To Go was launched with a mission to combat food waste. Today, the food waste actor can celebrate that the app's almost 50 million users in collaboration with more than 100,000 stores have saved 100 million meals from ending up in the trash. Read more

  • Configit Joins Unity’s Verified Solutions Partner Program to Deliver Enhanced 3D Visualization

    November 3, 2021

    Configit, the global leader in Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM), today announced that it has joined the Unity Verified Solutions Partner (VSP) program. Unity’s Verified Solutions Partner team is performing quality assurance testing of the Configit Ace® API for Unity. Read more

  • Dixa picks up $105M Series C

    July 28, 2021

    Dixa, the customer engagement platform, has closed a $105 million Series C. American investor General Atlantic leads the funding round with full participation from existing investors.

    The Danish-born startup says it will use the new capital to accelerate growth in North America and continue to make strategic acquisitions going forward. Read more.

  • Morten Strunge, Preben Damgaard and Heartcore invests in online marketplace for wine

    July 15, 2021

    Young startup receives DKK 20M in funding to accelerate growth in Europe. The syndicate investment is raised by Morten Strunge, Preben Damgaard and venture capital fund Heartcore. Read more

  • OrderYOYO offering oversubscribed by 203%

    June 28, 2021

    OrderYOYO closes its offering of new shares with 203% oversubscription. The European market-leading platform for independent takeaway restaurants will start trading on Nasdaq First North on Friday, July 2nd. Read more

  • Templafy raises $60M in a Series D funding led by Blue Cloud Ventures

    June 22, 2021

    Templafy today announced the closure of a $60M Series D investment. The investment was led by Blue Cloud Ventures with participation from all previous investors. This raise brings Templafy to a total of $125 million in funding as it races to fulfill its mission to fight disconnected content and document anarchy. Read more

  • OrderYOYO lists on Nasdaq First North

    June 4, 2021

    OrderYOYO intends to list on First North to significantly accelerate OrderYOYO’s planned sales and growth strategy within UK, Denmark and Ireland. OrderYOYO raises a total DKK 79.4M in the combined offering and private placement. Read more

  • Dixa acquires Australian AI knowledge platform, Elevio

    February 17, 2021

    The acquisition supports Dixa’s long term vision to simplify more aspects of customer service through personalization and machine learning. Read more

  • Fellowmind wins two Microsoft Partner Awards 2021

    January 26, 2021

    Fellowmind takes home Microsoft Cloud Infrastructure Award and Engaging Customers Award 2021 - the latter for the rapid development of COVID-19 test chatbot in the early days of the pandemic. Read more

  • Danish Daxiomatic becomes part of Fellowmind

    December 10, 2020

    Daxiomatic, a leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner in Denmark, joins Fellowmind. With the addition of Daxiomatic, Fellowmind strengthens its service offering to match client demands regarding their finance and operations processes in the Danish market. Read more

  • Fellowmind acquires DQC to complete holistic offering in Sweden

    November 26, 2020

    Sweden-based modern workplace agency DQC joins Fellowmind. With the addition of DQC, Fellowmind grows its presence in Sweden significantly, and gets access to DQC’s market leading services within Microsoft’s Modern Work technologies. Read more

  • €135M from Seed Capital to ambitious tech entrepreneurs in Denmark

    August 24, 2020

    Tech entrepreneurs in Denmark can look forward to new funding from tenured investment team at Seed Capital. €67M is raised in first close with pledges from among others Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker, Dansk Vækstkapital & Preben Damgaard, with the aim of raising a total of €135M. Read more

  • Templafy acquires software company, Napp

    May 18, 2020

    Templafy acquires Napp to add collaboration and engagement tracking to its enterprise document creation infrastructure. The acquisition follows recent $25M Series C funding and enables Templafy to accelerate its product roadmap. Read more